Please, please, pleeeeeease, don't be a PC
I hate PC's. Yep, there I said it. I don't like them, can't stand them, life would be better without them. I don't even know why they exist in the first place. I should get hazard pay for every time I have to deal with a PC. And, no, I don't mean a PC as in personal computer. I am talking about Psycho Customers. Get it? PC's are Psycho Customers.
One customer on the phone last sunday was one such PC. Aggravating, condescending and in the end just a jerk and bore. He calls asking for books from a special program that we have and wouldn't you know it, 2 of the computers at the info desk wouldn't bring up the program. At last, another manager (I had 2 helping me) managed to get the 3rd computer to bring the program up and asked for the ISBN. I relayed the number from the customer, intending to learn the process but the customer asks if I am just having someone else do the work and I answer "yes" and so he say "Why don't you just transfer me to that person then?" I replied that I am trying to learn how to do all this and this is how I learn, but I transfer him anyway. Meanwhile, if I were such a person and such a thing were possible, well, lets just say its a good thing that strangulation through the phone or torture by thought is not possible in this world.
Learning a new process is hard enough without the impatience and insensitivity of PC's. Let me be frank. The pay is not high at a bookstore. You work there because you want to, not because you can remotely make a living there. So, there is a lot of turnover. I think there would be a lot less turnover weren't it for the occasional crappy customer.
My goal is to get that book for you. I hate having to say no or even worse "I don't know". But, eventually I will figure out the answer and get to it. Just give me a minute. Its a lot of information I have to memorize and it doesn't happen in a day.
And continuing to be frank, someday I will quit my job over a PC. Because the books I adore are not worth the stress of stupid people. I can that same book from the Library for FREE! So there!
On a happier note, I finally did read Harry Potter over Labor Day weekend. Loved it, of course. Couldn't put the thing down, which to my way of thinking, is why I waited until I had such long periods of time to read it. I am so going to miss Hary.
I have read a lot of other books as well. I read On The Prowl by Pratricia Briggs and Sunny as well as two other writers.
I think I have fallen in love with Patricia Briggs. Amazing writing. Couldn't put her story down. Couldn't wait to ready Sunny's Story either for that matter. Sunny just wrote "Lucinda Darkly" which I read and adored as well.
Along those same lines, I just finished reading "Fairlyville" by Emma Holly. I just have to gush about Emma Holly. This book was more along the lines of her black lace series. Very Explicit with man on man, menage a trois...well, whatever you can think up she threw it in the story. But even with being so explicit, normally you would think that would take away from the book. Not an Emma Holly book. She makes it such an important part of the book Something you CAN"T skip. Skip those parts and you miss out on a the story line. Wow, what a writer.
Also read "Silver Master" by Jayne Castle. Her story line following the habits of the dust bunnies was great. (In case you are wondering, the dust bunnies are a pet-like creature in the world that Jayne has created.) More like that. Cute but lethal...a nod to Star Trek perhaps?
One customer on the phone last sunday was one such PC. Aggravating, condescending and in the end just a jerk and bore. He calls asking for books from a special program that we have and wouldn't you know it, 2 of the computers at the info desk wouldn't bring up the program. At last, another manager (I had 2 helping me) managed to get the 3rd computer to bring the program up and asked for the ISBN. I relayed the number from the customer, intending to learn the process but the customer asks if I am just having someone else do the work and I answer "yes" and so he say "Why don't you just transfer me to that person then?" I replied that I am trying to learn how to do all this and this is how I learn, but I transfer him anyway. Meanwhile, if I were such a person and such a thing were possible, well, lets just say its a good thing that strangulation through the phone or torture by thought is not possible in this world.
Learning a new process is hard enough without the impatience and insensitivity of PC's. Let me be frank. The pay is not high at a bookstore. You work there because you want to, not because you can remotely make a living there. So, there is a lot of turnover. I think there would be a lot less turnover weren't it for the occasional crappy customer.
My goal is to get that book for you. I hate having to say no or even worse "I don't know". But, eventually I will figure out the answer and get to it. Just give me a minute. Its a lot of information I have to memorize and it doesn't happen in a day.

On a happier note, I finally did read Harry Potter over Labor Day weekend. Loved it, of course. Couldn't put the thing down, which to my way of thinking, is why I waited until I had such long periods of time to read it. I am so going to miss Hary.
I have read a lot of other books as well. I read On The Prowl by Pratricia Briggs and Sunny as well as two other writers.

I think I have fallen in love with Patricia Briggs. Amazing writing. Couldn't put her story down. Couldn't wait to ready Sunny's Story either for that matter. Sunny just wrote "Lucinda Darkly" which I read and adored as well.
Along those same lines, I just finished reading "Fairlyville" by Emma Holly. I just have to gush about Emma Holly. This book was more along the lines of her black lace series. Very Explicit with man on man, menage a trois...well, whatever you can think up she threw it in the story. But even with being so explicit, normally you would think that would take away from the book. Not an Emma Holly book. She makes it such an important part of the book Something you CAN"T skip. Skip those parts and you miss out on a the story line. Wow, what a writer.
Also read "Silver Master" by Jayne Castle. Her story line following the habits of the dust bunnies was great. (In case you are wondering, the dust bunnies are a pet-like creature in the world that Jayne has created.) More like that. Cute but lethal...a nod to Star Trek perhaps?
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