What the hell? I just finished reading "The Hollow", Nora Roberts' second book in the Sign of Seven Trilogy and I checked to see when the last one, "The Pagan Stone" was coming out and
, not til December! That's over 7 months away! Did she do an Elizabeth Lowell and go on sabbatical? She never takes this long to come out with a trilogy! I am so confused.
Bad enough the books aren't her best work (though her Eve Dallas series by J.D. Robb continue to kick butt, both figuratively and literally) but I have to wait almost a year to find out the end? Crazy.
Meanwhile I have books coming out of my ears. I have over 30 books on my to be read pile. Working at a book store has its positives (free books!) and negatives (no time to read the free books!) Where to start? Well, I have started so many, only to have finished one or two.
Which brings me to the point that other than "The Blue Eyed Devil" by Lisa Kleypas I haven't really read a book lately where I was like WOW! Reading is an addiction. I know this because as a reader you are always chasing that high, trying to find that one book that matches that first high where you read the book and you went WOW! I must becoming immune to the drug of books lately. There are fewer and fewer lately that make me want to pass them along.
More and more books, as I venture cautiously forth to new writers, though, make me cringe. Read a book about a month ago called the Slave by Cheryl Brooks. Story starts out compelling, woman intends to buy slave to help her find her kidnapped sister. Normal enough plot, I suppose but then it just goes downward from there. The slave, of course, is naked on the auction block and the woman is fascinated with the slave's penis and goes onto describe it for 2, yes 2! pages! Then you find out the woman is buying the slave so she will have man to chain herself to when she searches a particular planet where the women are chained to men, AND the men's pants don't cover
their members so they are always available to be serviced! BAD BOOK! BAD BAD BOOK! PUT THAT BOOK DOWN! But wait, there's more! She practically gets raped by an alien, but in a weird sort of rape way (more of a mind rape than anything else) and supposedly, this slave's penis is amazing! (Well, I think I touched on that when I mentioned that it took 2 pages to describe it) Apparently just touching the guys penis gives you the big "O". Yep, it was too out there for me, and considering how open-minded I am about the books I read, that's saying something.
Meanwhile on a totally different topic with no segue another supposedly smart High Tech guru Steve Ballmer is opening his mouth (and possibly inserting his foot?) about the print media.
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer sat down for lunch with editors and reporters at the Washington Post and told them print will be dead in ten years:
"There will be no media consumption left in ten years that is not delivered over an IP network. There will be no newspapers, no magazines that are delivered in paper form. Everything gets delivered in an electronic form."
Dork. Newspapers, yes, maybe, but Magazines? I haven't yet even scanned a magazine on the web. The only time I go to a magazine website is to update my subscription or look up something I know I read, but have already thrown out the magazine. As my employer said "Its the experience that people want" and a computer is not the experience of the glossy pages. Plus, I can turn the page much faster than my computer can load it. I have to say it again...Dork.
Oh, and we are on our 5th manager at the bookstore. Yep, since I last wrote, we managed to go through 2 more managers at the bookstore. I wonder what the record will be by the time I decide I have had enough?
OK....looks like Slave is a book I can avoid. Thank you for saving me a lot of time and money. Chains, pants that don't work and slavery - all too traumatic for me.
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