Will Work For Books

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Monday, March 30, 2009

the Language I Love

A short quip... I love writers who can turn a phrase. Joss Whedon is the king of phraseology. Angel and Buffy (not to mention Firefly) regularly had phrases that made me snort in laughter and bow down to Joss' creative mojo. Here are just a few that I can think of off the top of my head by two writers that regularly thrill me.

"Moral Spankatude" recently spouted in a "Dollhouse" episode to indicate someone's over the top morality.

"Cautionary Whale" Juno used this phrase in reference to her teen pregnancy as written by the ever muse-inspired Diablo Cody in the movie titled "Juno".

"The Big Bad" In multiple Buffy episodes, Buffy and the Scooby gang used this phrase to refer to the everchanging evil of the week. So written by Joss Whedon.

"World Wide Waste of Time" from "Candy Girl" by Diablo Cody on the second page when she hasn't even warmed up yet.

Can't wait to see what new phrases they come up with next!


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