Will Work For Books

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Two Spaces After a Sentence

I have a good friend who is German and after she asked me to review an email she was about to send, I started spouting rules about English Grammar left and right. Dear God, who knew that grammatical stuff was still circulating around in the old noggin?

Of course, I couldn't do a half-assed job; so, I had to correct that fact that there weren't two spaces after every sentence. Really! Two spaces? "Yep, I told her, that's the way it is."

But after researching it on the internet, I discovered I am officially antiquated. I learned how to type on a typewriter, and apparently because we now use computer fonts instead of typewriter fonts, the use of two spaces is obsolete.

Why does no one tell me these things? I am a dinosaur and no one tells me? What are friends for is not to declare me obsolete? Antiquated? Old-Fashioned? Retro?

Wait, hmm, Retro, I like that one. Perfect. I am retro. I get a cool label AND it get to use two spaces after my sentences!


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