Truth & Addictions
So did you hear that sound? That was the sound of O.J. Simpson's book being published, albeit very quietly so I am not
surprised if you didn't hear it. Yes, its true, you can go out and buy it today. The family of Ron Goldman got the rights to the book and it was published with the understanding that the family would receive the profits. I wonder, does O.J. curse and throw a tantrum whenever he hears that? And do the family of Ron Goldman shake their fists in triumph?
The book has actually been out for a couple of weeks. I have no idea of the sales figures. The title says "If I did it" but the way the cover looks all you really see is "I did it". Very canny, those publishers. I only hope that the publishers are not making money off the death of two people. I will say that even though O.J. will not be getting the money, I still have no desire to read it.
Meanwhile I have found a group of people with my same addiction. What is that addiction you say? I really have only one, and that's reading romance.
So, on last Thursday night I headed to the bookstore I work at to the monthly romance readers meeting. There were around 15 people there and a guest author who was hilarious. Her name was Renee Bernard and she has written a few novels,
one of which I bought because she was such an interesting character in person. The story is going good so far and I am enjoying the book. Bernard has amazing style and story lines. I just don't feel that intenseness that I like in my stories. Harry Potter had it and Linda Howard's writing had it and Nora Robert's writing has it. But, I think, Bernard has amazing potential.
Anyhow the meeting was so much fun. I was around people with the same interests and enthusiasm for what I like and I got free books afterward. Yessiree, they have these wonderful things call "ARC"'s which are advanced reader copies. I have 3 books plus the 3 book I bought to read...and I was just invited to join another book group. And, of course, the new fall season of shoes on TV is just I have recently discoverd the joys of RSS. I could live a thousand years and not read all I wanted to read.

The book has actually been out for a couple of weeks. I have no idea of the sales figures. The title says "If I did it" but the way the cover looks all you really see is "I did it". Very canny, those publishers. I only hope that the publishers are not making money off the death of two people. I will say that even though O.J. will not be getting the money, I still have no desire to read it.
Meanwhile I have found a group of people with my same addiction. What is that addiction you say? I really have only one, and that's reading romance.
So, on last Thursday night I headed to the bookstore I work at to the monthly romance readers meeting. There were around 15 people there and a guest author who was hilarious. Her name was Renee Bernard and she has written a few novels,

Anyhow the meeting was so much fun. I was around people with the same interests and enthusiasm for what I like and I got free books afterward. Yessiree, they have these wonderful things call "ARC"'s which are advanced reader copies. I have 3 books plus the 3 book I bought to read...and I was just invited to join another book group. And, of course, the new fall season of shoes on TV is just I have recently discoverd the joys of RSS. I could live a thousand years and not read all I wanted to read.